Isnin, 2 Mei 2011


Just a short post..

Just got this from my sis

Yeah...finally!! its done..
Thanks to the chief editor...and his white Ferrari..

A lot of happy memories....right ?

I missed my old friends who will always reminds me
whether I'm in the right path or not...

Ok2...sambung study...

Wish me luck and dont forget...
pray for me..
will you?

- Asal tetibe tulis dalam English ni?...Sorry if any grammatical error..yep!
- yeah..tinggal FST3301: Processing, FSM3102: Nutrition, ECN3100: Economics
- Fully available...7\5 (no short sem :)
- Missed all Xgen...(ramai yg dah fly...Jepun, France, Canada, Australia, Egypt, US dan paling hebat U.S.i.m hehe)
-No offense..

1 ulasan:

AmirSyafiq berkata...

amar, nak, nak
nak tengok, x berpeluang belek lagi
nak pinjam, nak pinjam...