Please choose the right answer.
1. During Ramadan it is highly encouraged to _______________
a. play computer games
b. talk nonsense
c. sit in front of computer for 24 hours straight
d. read Al-Quran
(1 mark)
End of Question Paper (Full marks 100%)
99% will be evaluated during Ramadan.
- Ramadan or Ramadhan ? (Spelling dilemma)
- No offense
- Just to remind myself
5 ulasan:
Ramadhon. Haaa. Baru betul.
*Susah juga bahasa arab di rumikan. Memang rumit.
ro-maa-ddhhon. haha.
Pergh Sarcasm nih!! Apa ada dgn huruf 'D'...haha
kalau Bahasa Melayu, yang betulnya Ramadan.
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